Scientific and technical translation: leave it to the experts

Just like science and technology, scientific and technical translation is a highly-skilled job.

Scientifique ayant des besoins en traduction

If you’re a scientist, technician or engineer, you know that not everybody will be able to translate your documents. You need a specialist who knows what you’re talking about.

Translation can jeopardize the integrity of your information and the credibility of your business.

Don’t take any risks: use an experienced specialist translator and enjoy the peace of mind of knowing your documents are in safe hands.

Twice as skilled: linguistic and technical expertise

My language skills are underpinned by a sound scientific grounding. Because I understand the ins and outs of your highly specialised texts, I can translate them accurately and objectively, while also taking the cultural considerations of the target audience into account.

My dual linguistic and technical expertise is a much sought after asset and guarantees a reliable French translation that conveys your original message.

I translate from English, Spanish or Portuguese into French.

How can ATLAN’TRAD help you?

Accurate and reliable scientific and technical translations in perfect French

The technical terms and lingo used in your industry

Translations from scratch, or revision and editing of previous translations

Total confidentiality

What do you really gain?

You send out reliable information that reflects your excellence and expertise

You communicate clearly with industry experts

You know your documents are clear, consistent and conform to the best practices in your field

You improve efficiency and enjoy total peace of mind

Having trouble finding a competent translator for your technical and scientific documents?

Documents I can handle for you

• scientific papers and posters

• technical briefs and white papers

• study and test reports

• product documentation (data sheets, manuals, specifications, etc.)

• training materials

• how-to guides and instructions

• safety advice and guidance

• scientific literature

• safety data sheets

• tender documents

• technical procedures

• technical and scientific websites

• scientific communication

• customer support documentation

• software and mobile applications

• patents

• and more – just ask!

documentation technique
Isabelle Bouchet, traductrice scientifique et technique
Scientific and technical specialisations

Most of my work involves biomedical sciences and technologies, environmental science, agrifood and oenology.

I’m particularly interested in research and innovation in these fields.

Because I can only translate what I know well, I’m constantly updating my technical and terminology knowledge in these ever-changing sectors. That’s how I can guarantee flawless, high-quality translations.

More about my specialist subjects

My quality approach

My clients need to able to rely on the translations I deliver . That’s why I only accept projects if I can guarantee top quality.

My priority is delivering reliable translations to satisfied customers.

More about my quality approach

ATLAN’TRAD: your quality assurance for technical and scientific documents in French

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