Medical and pharmaceutical translations: where medicine meets linguistics

When it comes to medical translations, there’s no room for error. With my science and biomedical technology expertise, you’re in safe hands.

Traduction médicale et pharmaceutique

If you work in healthcare, you know that translation can expose your organisation to medical, legal and financial risks.

That’s why it’s important to work with a language specialist who understands exactly what you mean.

Outsourcing your translations to an expert saves you time, gives you peace of mind and lessens the risk.

Professional medical translations

I’m an expert in various areas of life sciences, with over 20 years of experience translating varied and often highly technical documents into French:

• documents required for marketing authorisation applications

• biomedical research and clinical trial documents

• medical equipment documentation (installation manuals, quick-reference guides, instructions for use, etc.)

• brochures, web content and product data sheets

• medical and pharmaceutical procedures and protocols

• scientific publications

• medical records and patient questionnaires

• specialist books

• training and e-learning materials

• medical articles for a general readership

• health-related marketing collateral

• medical software and health applications

• guidelines and best practice guides

• video subtitles

• medical and pharmaceutical patents

• and more – just ask!

Let’s discuss your needs

Call or email me today for a chat about what you need, what your problem is and how I can help.

My medical expertise includes: human medicine, veterinary medicine, animal health, immunology, infectious diseases, biochemistry, biology, microbiology, cytology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, “omics” (genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics), in vitro diagnostics (IVDs), laboratory techniques, chemistry, drug discovery, drug development, clinical trials, biomedical research, health and safety, medical devices, medical imaging, e-health, medtech, healthtech, healthcare simulation, personalised medicine, nutritional medicine, and more.

Areas where my three specialisations overlap – health, food and the environment:

• food hygiene and security, healthy eating, nutritional recommendations

• environmental health, safety monitoring, environmental monitoring, ESG, CSR

Quality: above and beyond

Reliable and accurate terminology

With a degree in Scientific and Technical Documentation and excellent research skills, I’m able to access the most reliable sources to guarantee accurate and appropriate terminology.

To deliver on my promise of excellence and quality, I regularly attend specialist training in this ever-changing sector, to keep up with the latest terms and techniques.

Terminologie médicale

ATLAN’TRAD: quality assurance for your medical and pharmaceutical translations

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